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What is a fund price?

Here’s what we think it’s important to know. What does the fund price represent? The price of a fund is equal to the underlying value of all the assets minus any outstanding liabilities – this is called the net asset value, or NAV. When the value of the securities in the fund goes up, the NAV goes up.

What is the G Fund?

The G Fund is invested in short-term U.S. Treasury Securities. These investments are issued by the Treasury Department for the TSP. The Treasury Department calculates the G Fund interest rate as the weighted average yield of approximately 183 U.S. Treasury securities on the last day of the previous month.

Is ISG a good investment company?

ISG is a wonderful source of deals and return alpha. ISG has consistently outperformed other investment options for my clients. They have a high level of integrity which is hard to find in this industry. ISG has been an excellent source of investment capital for our deals. ISG just gets it, they are a smart outfit.

What percentage of TSP assets are in the G Fund?

At the end of July 2023, 28.7% of investor assets were in the G Fund. There has been a considerable change in how TSP investors invest their money. For example, way back at the end of December 2009, those in the CSRS retirement system had 53% of their TSP accounts in the G Fund.

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